
small step for my kind

Thursday, June 21, 2007

News of my Familia

My brother Salvador de la Cruz (maybe now he can be googled) is to become a chef or as we say in old Mexico "un cukiador" (pronounced: oon cuke ee a door) He is going to Culinary school. My brother has a great answer to midlife crisis.
Mine was to marry younger man. wait he married a younger woman.
Maybe I will help the world!!! Wait he joined the Peace Corps.
Maybe I should move far away from Texas.
Yes he did that too!!!!
I know I had more sex than he, so there!!!!!
I am happy he will be in school he does deserve the best. He is going to do well in his Taco Wagon.
He made me start blogging again. So I can say all sorts of crap and not care, after all I do have the Russians and the smile of all mankind raining down on me.

1 comment:

Oscar said...

El Cukyador is my hero! I can't wait to taste the "Grilled bologna" sandwiches with Mustard on White Toast.

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