
small step for my kind

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Aqui or S A

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So happy 4rth to all of you who care. I have always thought that the U S had really weird way of celebrating their independence from the Mother CountryPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The biggest Shopping Day of the Year and half of Americans have to work. SUCKS!!!
It should be called Happy Capitalist Day it just seems more accurate.
What the hell does all this have to do with the man in the photo. My dad died on last year on July 4rth, like a good Rican soldier. He now has give me reason to hate this non-holiday. He dies how he lived, with his Johnson in charge, sorry dad but you did.
I have been crying nonstop for many days I hate that I miss him so much. I hate that we are still dealing with the fact that he lived a life full of SEX and women. I hate it all!!!!
He was still my dad and I was his baby!!!!
He tried to make me understand the love of<Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Where ever you are. I still love you and I always will.


Oscar said...

The man in the picture was quite a man. I shared your sadness during the Holidays and searched far for "Popurri Navideno" by Aniceto Molina. For the man in the picture made that one of my most heartwarming memories of all time. Your Jelly Bean tiled floor "Swishing" to his leather soles as he danced to that album during the Holidays kind of left an impression on me. It was during this Holiday season and those memories that i realized that my good holidays and the good life i lead today was due to Willie's direction to my Mom and his insistence on me being born here in the states. Can't even begin to imagine where i would be otherwise. (Selling Chiclets on a border bridge would not be for me). So this great holiday when we celebrate our freedoms i will be even more grateful for W.T.C. for i owe a lot to him. The Flank Steak will be on the Grill, The Beer will pop open and i will simply say: "Aqui or S.A." as i giggle at the Mustangs i see on the road.

El Jefe Chefe said...

Well...I must be a sick man. I can't even start conjuring up the feelings that either one of you are experience. From time to time I think it isn't so much that I put him in my mind but that he suddenly pops up there. It isn't always because I hear a tune or I'm eating some food (although that is common) but mostly because I'm taking a walk and suddenly...he is there. Kind of like he was in real life. He wasn't really there but when you least expected him...there he was. So for good or bad, for every great advice he has, he also has the saga of not keeping it in his pant (as Monica would say). For every caring and sharing moment...again...there was that dictatorial person who could dispense with suggestions and commands but never really live up to better common sense. My biggest regret is that Monica had to take the brunt of the good and the bad. So...for as much sputtering of these seemingly vitriolic comments that I'm placing in Monica's blog, you should understand that I do love the man and I do see him for the kind and open hearted person that he is. The importance of his kindness and actions exceed anything that was bad even though the man had his price. I do hope he is resting or hell...for that matter shuffling his feet while listening to some Lionel Hampton on the vibes. El Jefe Chefe

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