
small step for my kind

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


allBRT, Jacksonville, JTA, JTA BRT
I have been riding with the masses and the crazies in the heat. Not that I am opposed to it in the abstract but the smell, the heat and my own horrible disposition when exposed to the heat and a hard day at work. My husband likes the masses and he is so concerned for the environment that the stench of an armpit of a male fellow passenger does not bother him. My son loves riding so much that he calls it a FANTASTIC VOYAGE. He will not even ride in my ex husband when I am using it for errands. I wish I could view the world through his eyes and maybe It would not be such an issue for me. Alas, it does not and I am not the better for it.

I am listening to the new David Sedars book in the iMac so I will report later.

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