
small step for my kind

Sunday, July 29, 2007

So What is it With The children of God

L.Ron Hubbard,Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket David Burg, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Sung Young Moon, Moishe Rosen great cult leader of our times. There are more and if I felt like adding it may bother some people. but I could add, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, or even the 700 hundred club. They creep me out Much against televangelism mam. The first few are really off their rockers you know. I did not put Charles Manson up there because he is beyond the scope of our understanding and as evil as evil can be. Sociopaths have no way of ever being helped but they can charm the pants off of you so bewarePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHe is truly a person that frightens me. There is no remorse,no empathy. There is nothing there. Just empty darkness with an ego that goes on with the belief that he talks to God or that he is God. It is just hard to look at. I have one person like that in my life and it is funny that he still functions in the norms of our society.
I feel for the Children of God and their Flirty Fishing children having sex with Jesus at 4 is really strange and even after River Phoenix and Rose McGowen tried to explain the cult, River doing it from the dead ,I do not understand it. What make a person want this salvation. What makes mankind long for a unity with a Higher Power(as the AA people say) Are we that alone, are we that needy. Do we just not connect. It is just so hard to understand that one need so much leadership to be told that we are not alone and need to function as a group. I see this historical struggle never ending, but I also see this struggle as never finding an answer, because as much as we search for a group dynamic and an eternal family we are alone in one body and we seem to have the ultimate disconnect and it seems that will be the only answer that really will hold us together.

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