
small step for my kind

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Award-winning composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto has made a career of crossing musical and technological boundaries. Sakamoto has experimented with, and excelled in, many different musical styles, making a name for himself in popular, orchestral and film music. Never one to be satisfied with the status quo, Sakamoto continues to push the envelope of his artistry, marrying genres, styles and technologies for the first time to create new and exciting directions in musical expression.

He has become my companion. I went to Yoga this morning 6am and was so sleepy. I am sure it was because of the xanax I took last night. The class ended better thant it began but I never did work up the sweat I normaly do. We had a really great day yesterday and today. Laurence's claymation is going really well. I am more than likley going to start a 60 day challnge here soon. I feel my body neebs again. I have been going only 4or5 days a week to yoga and I need all 7 for a while still.
Liam has been really funny but he wants to spend more time with Mike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.

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ooh la la


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