
small step for my kind

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year, New Job, Old fears

Cthulhu for President!!
Why do we things will change?????

The year is new or at least we say it is. It is a new season and the planet turns and the earth is reborn. Time marches. Why do we give ourselves this linear way of thinking. I do not know. What do I want this year( so called ) I do not know. Maybe a lesser evil in the White house. The health of my children. A kiss fro my husband a new friendship with my ex. Anything is possible?
Hey I learned that they really harvest cranberries this way.
A New Year. A new lesson.

Quebec Cranberry bog harvest

In my eyes

In my eyes

My kind of cops.

My kind of cops.

Jeero the traveling fool

Jeero the traveling fool
ooh la la


My Hormiga done right

My Hormiga done right

Crazy Spike n Dru

Crazy Spike n Dru

My Purse

My Purse

only show biz loses