
small step for my kind

Monday, December 24, 2007


<Dextera Dexter text disappeared. I blame the quacks below. Dexter is by far my favorite show of the moment, then again serial killers are fascinating. Sociopaths are a breed of people that still need more studying but it has not been easy going for scientist to do because of civil rights that prisoner have that wont allow them to participate in certain studies, especially neuroscience studies. In the show Dexter was orphaned at the age of three and harboring a traumatic secret, Dexter was adopted by a Miami police officer named Harry Morgan who recognized his sociopathic tendencies and taught him to channel his gruesome passion for killing and dissecting in a “constructive” way: by killing only heinous criminals (such as mob assassins and serial killers of the innocent) who have slipped through the justice system. To satisfy his interest in blood and to facilitate his own crimes, Dexter works as a blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department. Although his drive to kill is unflinching (otherwise overcome by a feeling of “emptiness”) Dexter is, through extensive instruction from Harry, able to fake normal emotions and keep up his appearance as a socially-responsible human being.
Quacks on Crack

These people are worst than Dexter as they are cult leaders. Charismatic, educated cult leaders everyone knows. Oprah has a show,books, a mag, she tells people what to read, what to where, what to see.... oprah gone crazyShe then gives them gifts and buys off their love. Kool aid is next Weeks themes so maybe they will disappear. She is a bright woman but I do not believe one need to follow the advice nor worship any one celebrity (unless it is Cillian) for any reason. It is as if she will be put up for saint hood here anytime soon.Dr. Perricone\'s Book
Dr. Perricone, who is also beloved by Oprah is a fish of so called(mercury free) blood. A dermatologist turned nutritionist and one who owns the rights to the fountain of youth has a groupie base fan like that of the King of Rock and Roll(although the good doctor says to go to the toilet he does not preach to die on it). I am pretty sure that Dr. Perricone believes that if Elvis had followed his advice e he would not have died and he would still be thrusting his hips to WW ll vets in Vegas.
Now his theories are sound, but his follower treat him as the end all be all and that is WRONG He may have published many books(8) but he has no scientific backing to any thing he preaches. His products are expensive and they are developed by a third party. His positions at Yale and other Universities have been honorary or bought. He cannot cure rosaecea and his magic vitamins do not cure, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Cholesterol and Cancer he is among one of the reason the FDA really has issues with the Nutritional industries.charles_manson
I continue to have to listen to his crapped preached everyday by my work room mate. I will follow up on the Denis (who can she be) Horror stories with more detail later

In my eyes

In my eyes

My kind of cops.

My kind of cops.

Jeero the traveling fool

Jeero the traveling fool
ooh la la


My Hormiga done right

My Hormiga done right

Crazy Spike n Dru

Crazy Spike n Dru

My Purse

My Purse

only show biz loses